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Lakshmi - Goddess of Abundance

Lakshmi was the first of the goddesses that I ever met. On the day that I decided to meet her, I cleaned my house. It was weird. I mean, not that I am not clean, but I am not usually that clean. 

As I sat down to read Sally Kempton’s book, Awakening Shakti, I had to laugh. The first paragraph said that they way to welcome in Lakshmi was by cleaning your home. There is something about having a clean house, or clean energy, that allows Lakshmi to come into someone’s life. It was her chant that I first learned. And I remember that as I chanted, with the intention that I would meet the partner that would lead to my greatest healing, I felt a big wave move out into the universe. Two weeks later, I met my husband.

Since then, she has taught me that abundance comes by letting go of what doesn’t serve me, so my energy can support my purpose. She has taught me that receiving is a sacred act and deeply important for supporting me to prosper. She has taught me that love grows when you nurture it by noticing. Lakshmi has often by my hail Mary pass. I chanted her every day as the pandemic started, and she supported me in ways that continue to unfold and amaze me. I am thankful for her and for all that she has done for me. 

She will often hold those who honor her with sweetness. So even as things fall apart, there is a support there that she offers. Of all the goddesses, her energy is powerfully soft. To know her is to know the joy and auspiciousness that life can hold. 

Image by the artist Rosie Santos. Find her work here.

1 Comment

May 06, 2020

you write so beautifully. It's as if I'm sitting right beside you and you're speaking your words directly to me. You're a beautiful little oracle

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